Who needs the gospel?

Who needs the gospel?

Who needs the gospel?

I had no idea how much I needed the gospel. 

I thought I had the basic message of Christianity down. 

I’ve been a Christian since I was very young. I attend a wonderful, healthy, gospel centered church. I’ve been heavily influenced by faithful mentors, gospel centered books and good preaching and still… It wasn't until I cracked open Learn the Gospel myself that I realized I couldn’t confidently answer the basic question: What is the gospel?

I had no idea how much growth I needed in this area.

Gratefully, God has used my marketing role as we launch Learn the Gospel to grow me—even before the book hit our shelves. 

I’ve seen and used many Christian resources, but I’ve never interacted with a tool such as Learn the Gospel. The course is based on the familiar gospel summary, Two Ways to Live that helpfully summarizes everything we believe as Christians. I’ve never considered the importance of grasping the gospel message as a whole, deepening my understanding of the specifics, and being able to know what to say and how to say it with clarity when I share it with someone else. 

At our church, Marty is teaching the Learn the Gospel course with ministry leaders before launching it church wide. As I have listened to the interactions in class over the weeks, it’s clear this is the course we leaders didn’t know we needed. Different upbringings and backgrounds, mixed in with bad theology here and there causes issues—sometimes significant issues—that come out in our attempt to summarize the gospel. Even among those that have been at my church for decades, the gist of it was there but with much tension in deciding what to include or what to tease out more. 

This course creates an important opportunity to clarify the gospel message as a foundation for our ministry. But also an opportunity to recognize the great need we have to learn the gospel with clarity—for both our own growth and leadership of others. 

The gospel is a costly message that needs to be presented clearly. Not so much to just avoid getting it wrong but also to get it right. For the Christian presenting it and for the person hearing it.

To the pastor, leader, Christian sister and brother, don’t dismiss this as just another resource. I know what you’re thinking because I was thinking it too. 

Don’t disregard your need to better understand God’s good message for all people. 

Don’t shift from the hope of the gospel as Paul says in Colossians. 

Be stable and steadfast in your proclamation of Jesus as King. 

Learn the gospel.

learn the gospel book on the window sill

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Getting practical with Learn the Gospel


Learn the Gospel books

The books are in stock and ready for sale. We’ve deliberately kept the price as low as possible. USD $16.99 is a great price for a book of 170-odd pages, but we are very excited to have churches and growth groups all over the world learn together. So there are some bulk discounts in place to encourage group purchases:

  • 8-49 copies: 15% discount (USD $14.44 each)
  • 50+ copies: 30% discount (USD $11.89 each)

These discounts apply automatically to your shopping basket when the quantity is added.

Learn the Gospel videos

All the videos that you need to run Learn the Gospel are online. You can stream them from our site or download them from Vimeo, but all the video content is absolutely free.

Learn the Gospel explainers

There are also four promotional/informational videos for you to use to explain the resource to others. Again, these videos are free to stream or download.

When can I start?

That’s totally up to you. Everything is ready now, and our aim has been to make running Learn the Gospel as easy as possible. In fact, we think running it is actually easier and takes less preparation than leading your normal expository Bible study. Of course leaders should always do a little work in advance to familiarize themselves with the material. But in the group time you simply work through the book, watch the video teaching at the recommended time and use the discussion questions and activities to grow in your understanding of the wonderful gospel of Jesus Christ. Shipments from Youngstown Ohio go to anywhere in the US in less than two weeks, so in three weeks or less you can be all set to grow your gospel clarity!

Lindsey Yeagley

Originally from the Cleveland area, Lindsey now lives in the Youngstown area with her husband Scott and their three children. She and her family are members at Old North Church. Her children as well as her wedding photography business fill up her time most days. She's a fan of strong coffee especially if it's enjoyed in the mornings on her front porch.

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