"It didn't really work for us."

"It didn't really work for us."

"It didn't really work for us."

“It didn’t really work for us.”

This is what I heard most often when we (Matthias Media) sold a very well-done evangelistic course. The course had the normal components we’ve come to expect—some videos, a workbook, instructions on how to structure the group time for the evening. But what it couldn’t provide is actual non-Christians showing up!

As I’ve traveled around the country doing Vinegrowers workshops, it is invariable that we spend the most time talking about evangelism. And what is so interesting is that as we talk about the possible ways of emphasizing actual evangelistic output, we run through the checklist and end up at the same conclusions:

  • Big evangelistic events (like smaller versions of Billy Graham Crusades): “we know that era is past.”
  • Evangelistic Sundays (like the ‘bring a friend to church Sundays’): “that seems too much like what seeker churches do.”
  • Run Christianity Explored: “we did that and no non-Christian showed up.”
  • Door-knocking in a neighborhood: “we’d probably get arrested!”

So, that leaves us with one main option—relational and personal evangelism. So, my question is, how is that going for you personally and for your church? 

Same here! I struggle personally and the church where I serve struggles corporately. And this is why we wanted to gather some trusted and experienced teachers in Denver in October for Evangelize 2024. We all need help and there is just too much on the line to keep saying “that doesn’t work”. 

I am excited for the conference personally and for the others from our church ministry team attending. This is a conference that will feel like a workshop. The goal is to leave with a renewed resolve to keep pushing ourselves to proclaim the risen Lord Jesus and to not be so fast to add ideas to the ‘this won’t work’ list. 

This is a conference for your entire team: lay leaders, staff, pastors, men and women. 

Please join us and please tell others. We want to gather as many like-minded, struggling gospelers together, because we do believe God will answer the prayer of Matthew 9:37-38 “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few, therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into his harvest.”


PS. The program schedule is live! Take a look, figure out how many of you are coming and head to checkout!





Marty Sweeney

Marty started Matthias Media in North America in 2006. Previously he was a full-time pastor and since then he has returned to pastoral ministry (part-time). He oversees an apprenticeship program and small groups at Old North Church. He lives in Poland, OH with his wife Abby and their four children (and a standard poodle named Theophilus). He is the co-author of The Small Group and the Vine (with Tony Payne).

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