We have three blogs...
This is our Matthias Media blog on this US site. It tends to host content generated locally, rather than down in Australia. The goal is to provide content that encourages disciple-makers to do the work of disciple-making and give them tips and ideas for doing so. RSS feed link:
This is our Matthias Media Australia blog which is hosted on the Australian site. This blog tends to have more new articles each month than the US blog, but the goal is still the same: to provide content that encourages disciple-makers to do the work of disciple-making and give them tips and ideas for doing so. RSS feed link:
This is the blog for the Vinegrowers arm of our work. The goal of this blog is to keep stimuating and encouraging church leaders as they seek to develop a disciple-making culture in their churches. The content is generally pursuing the vision of the two books "The Trellis and the Vine" and "The Vine Project". RSS feed link: