Choosing a Women's Bible Study
When choosing a women’s Bible study or book to read, the options can be overwhelming. Recommendations abound in social media posts, ads and catalogs. Throw in titles mentioned (or criticized) in conversations, sermons or podcasts—the list becomes unmanageable. Even after you weed out the fluffy, misguided or downright heretical options, there are still (thankfully!) many to choose from. This difficult decision can be made a bit easier by asking for recommendations from a trusted source. We hope Matthias Media has become that source for you, so some of our team members put together a list that might make your choosing easier.
There are obvious differences and dynamics in each group you are working with, so we provided a variety of options here to fit different needs. Not all are written for women or by women, but all will be time spent well. These resources work at studying the Bible well and at maturing our faith in different contexts. We hope you consider some as you plan to study God’s word with others.

Captivated by Christ by Richard Chin
Whether we realize it or not, we are surrounded by constant competition for our attention. There is much that can captivate our attention and affections. Whether it’s as significant as marriage and a family or as fleeting as trends on social media, our focus is easily drawn aside. Richard Chin’s book Captivated by Christ takes readers through the book of Colossians and helps us build our foundation and center our focus on Christ alone. The book includes study questions so it makes a great option for reading and discussing with others.
Rest Assured: 1 John

You, Me and the Bible by Tony Payne
Two Cities: Isaiah
This Interactive Bible Study tackles the book of Isaiah in a way that allows the reader to bite off a good amount to chew and feed on. It is a great bird’s eye view of the entire book but with enough nitty gritty to help you understand the context of individual themes and chapters. From rebellion and judgement, to the promise of salvation through a baby, this journey through Isaiah is sure to help you focus on the predominant attributes of God. He is the king who is mighty to save, who is of all comfort, and who shares a foretaste of deliverance.
Encouragement by Gordon Cheng
Just like prayer and Bible study, encouragement is something everyone needs to continually work on. To be encouraging with our words takes intentional work and this book explains it in an easy and practical way. God chooses to speak to us with life-changing words, and we can be used by God to encourage others. Through us, God can change other’s lives with his life-giving word. As women, taming the tongue can be a massive challenge and a temptation we easily fall to. But Cheng’s book points out the potential as to why empty words and intentionally encouraging words can change your life.
The Search for Meaning and Under the Sun: Ecclesiastes
While some find Ecclesiastes to be a depressing book of the Bible, I humbly submit that a closer read proves it to be rich with comfort. Whether you are in a season of plenty or a season of want, Ecclesiastes puts you in your proper place before God and gives you assurance that you are seen and heard. There is truly nothing new under the sun—but that can and should comfort us as we carry out our work here. Both of these studies confirm the purpose of life on earth and look forward to the hope of what is to come.
Defending the Gospel by Kel Richards
It’s always a good time to learn new strategies for defending our faith and Kel Richards’s book teaches towards that end. He takes Peter’s admonition to “be prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks for a reason for the hope that is in you” and gives us real-time help. This gem of a book is very accessible and immediately applicable. As you read about how to defend your faith to others, you will grow in your own love for Christ and in your confidence to share with others.