"I wrote this book to help Christians know where to start when it comes to understanding Islam and talking with their Muslim friends about the gospel. In my experience, the starting point is key..."
Samuel Green has spent more than two decades speaking with Muslims and finding out what they are taught about Jesus and his followers: that Jesus wasn't crucified, the Bible is corrupted, and the Trinity is the weak point you won't be able to explain. He has also come to realize that their book, the Qur'an, makes claims about Christianity and history that simply aren't true.
Where to Start with Islam will equip you to understand and address these assumptions and know where to start as you seek to present your Muslim friends with Christ and share with them about his wonderful gift of salvation.
This book covers how to share the gospel, incarnation, Trinity and cross with a Muslim. It assesses Muhammad as a prophet, answers the Muslim claims against the Bible, and gives you the relevant history you need to get started.
It's the approach to sharing the gospel with Muslims that doesn't require knowing all about Islam; it's all about knowing Christianity better.
Samuel Green studied chemical engineering (UNSW) and then theology at Moore Theological College. He works with the Australian Fellowship of Evangelical Students as their Islamic specialist and travels around Australia and the world speaking and debating on this subject. He is one of the founding authors at engagingwithislam.org and the author of the Engaging with Islam training material.
I have lived in the Middle East for 20 years. I don't know of anyone who has done better work in understanding and answering the challenges of Islam than Samuel Green. Any Christian who wants to respond to Muslims with love and truth needs this book.
–J. Mack Stiles, Pastor of Erbil International Baptist Church, Iraq, and former IFES General Secretary in Dubai
Where to Start with Islam delivers just what it promises. Drawing on years of gracious, yet robust, engagement with Muslims, Samuel Green offers Christians an excellent primer to negotiating the religious discussions they will very likely have with Muslim friends and neighbors. Biblical, detailed and practical, I recommend it highly!
–Richard Shumack, Director, Arthur Jeffery Centre for the Study of Islam, Melbourne School of Theology
Where to Start with Islam is a wonderfully practical and clear provision to help Christians rise to the challenge of presenting the gospel to Muslims. Elegantly weaving love and truth together, Samuel Green has distilled deep wisdom and decades of face-to-face experience with Muslims into this beautifully lucid and comprehensive book. With consummate skill, Green equips readers to bring the challenge of the gospel home to their Muslim neighbors.
–Mark Durie, Pastor and author, Melbourne
Where to Start with Islam is a practical, respectful and informative contribution for Christians to understand the complexity of Islam and to love Muslims as God does. Muslims are coming to Christ in multitudes, and Christians ought not to be driven by fear and hate but by love and passion for Christ. This book will empower you to share your faith with your Muslim neighbor as never before.
–Ayman S. Ibrahim, Associate Professor of Islamic Studies, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
Some experts calculate that, at the current rate of growth, Islam will become the world's dominant religion by 2070. There are various reasons for this, one of which is that historically the church has avoided mission to Muslims. We have not gone out to them‚ but now they are coming to us. Unsurprisingly, there has never been a time when so many Muslims are searching for and finding the real Jesus. Now is the time to join in the harvest. Samuel Green's three decades of experience compressed into this book will help you do just that.
–Dr Stuart Robinson, Author and Research Fellow, Arthur Jeffrey Centre, Melbourne School of Theology
This book is of the usual high standard I have come to expect from Samuel Green. Samuel demonstrates a deep grasp of Islamic belief and practice, but he knows how to cut through the details to highlight the aspects relevant to engaging Muslims in Australia. Sam has left me feeling able and keen to begin conversations with Muslims.
–Rev Dr Wesley Redgen, Senior Lecturer in New Testament, Queensland Theological College
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ISBN | 9781925424607 |
Format | Book |
Series | |
Chapters | 10 |
Pages |
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