One of the reasons people sometimes avoid looking into Christianity is that there are so many Christianities on offer, each with their spin on things, their own rituals and practices, their own religious package.
But just imagine if we were able to get beyond this—to strip back all the rituals, myths and dogma; to put to one side the hair-splitting and disagreements; to get beyond all the trappings of 'religion'—what would we find? If we were to go back to Jesus himself, to the biographies about him contained in the New Testament, what would we discover Christianity to be about?
That is the project of this book. It aims to present simply Christianity, by reading and reflecting upon the ancient biography of Jesus written by Luke.
最近,约翰迪克森博士受聘于惠顿研究生院 (Wheaton College)为 Duane Litfin 学院宣教和事工部门的杰出教授与学者。约翰致力于在这个质疑声充斥的时代公开倡导基督信仰,并因其以简单易懂的方式处理复杂思想的能力而备受推崇。
Starting out as a professional singer-songwriter, John Dickson now works as an author, speaker, historian, minister and media presenter. He strives to be a public advocate for the Christian faith in doubting times, and is highly regarded for his ability to tackle complex ideas in a straightforward and accessible way.
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ISBN | 9781925887457 |
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